
This is my script, it was created with Microsoft word and will show the actors what to say during photography.


This is a template for writing a script in Word









Joshua Taylor






















Doe Quarry Ln

Dinnington, Sheffield S25 2NZ

01909 550066






int. pub scene

The pub is empty and dark, a little run down. If there’s ever bar staff on duty, they’re not here now. The camera pans over a few empty tables where you can almost smell last night’s beer. The camera raises to a few teenagers sitting near the back of the room backlit by a beam of light from the window behind them.

Opens with boy#1 bragging about his parents taking him on frequent holidays to France…


You know the best thing about France?

They have what we have, we have alotta stuff they have but little things make it better. They serve you beer in MacDonald’s! They have more dogs than ch…


(interrupting boy#1 -tired)

You told us last time.   


Does anyone have any conversation?


After a brief silence, Noah finishes the last of his drink with a single swig, stands up and leaves.


Ext. pub


(Quick walking after Noah)

Noah, what are you doing?


I’m tired of sitting in this crappy pub every morning. We only go here because our parents throw us out of the house before they go to work. I’m going for a walk.

Noah walks away leaving girl#1 standing hands on hips and boy#1 leaning near the pub entrance.




ext. unknown street

The camera cuts to fast action of Noah walking through a crowd walking against him. Side shots as well as shots focusing on long shadows cast by people the floor created by a low winter sun. Noah is wearing a colourful bobble hat contrasting with the blacks and greys of the expressionless crowd.

Sound of shop bell.

Smash cut to:

Int: shop

The camera trucks left through a shelf of products showing the isle devoid of people. Noah walks past the camera into deep into the shop, the camera follows. After taking a drink and closing the freezer the camera cuts to a close-up shot of Noah handing change to the till person




shop bell

Swipe cut to:

Ext: School gate

A medium close-up shot of Noah, glove between his teeth holding the drink from the shop and pressing the gate buzzer with his other hand. He walks through the gate and the camera cuts to an establishing shot of the school with the bell ringing.

Int: classroom

The teacher is talking in the background and can only just be heard. Medium shot of Noah sat his desk zoned out.



Noah, did you get that?


Noah looks up, the classroom shakes violently, and the lights go out…













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