
Showing posts from January, 2021

Film Treatment

I have created a film treatment on Microsoft word to show more detailed information about the film to the investors. This is a template for writing a script in Word             “Purpose” By Joshua Taylor                                           Doe Quarry Ln Dinnington, Sheffield S25 2NZ 01909 550066     Version 1.0 Joshua Taylor FIlm treatment Film title Purpose   OVERVEIW   The film shows a boy that leads a boring life in a world seemingly against him finding an ultimate purpose in life. Outline The film will open in a pub environment after a compilation of normal boring looking scenes of everyday situations to the opening music, In the pub, it will show Noah zoning out while unseen faces are talking to him, after finishing the rest of his morning drink, he walks to lesson down a street where everyone is walking against him. In class, the teacher’


I have created this budget table to help organise my costs so my production can be as efficient as possible. I used Exel to make it as it is the best program to make tables.

Location Permissions Email Drafts

Here are the draft emails that can be sent to the companies that I need to get permission to film in.

Location Recces

I have created a few location recces so I can have all the key information about the places I would want to film at. This makes my production very efficient as all the information I need is in one place. This will help me decide what equipment I need to bring or which representative I need to communicate with.  Location Recces  


This is my script, it was created with Microsoft word and will show the actors what to say during photography. SCRIPT  This is a template for writing a script in Word             “Purpose” By Joshua Taylor                                           Doe Quarry Ln Dinnington, Sheffield S25 2NZ 01909 550066     MUSIC. TITLES   FADE IN: int. pub scene The pub is empty and dark, a little run down. If there’s ever bar staff on duty, they’re not here now. The camera pans over a few empty tables where you can almost smell last night’s beer. The camera raises to a few teenagers sitting near the back of the room backlit by a beam of light from the window behind them. Opens with boy#1 bragging about his parents taking him on frequent holidays to France… boy#1 You know the best thing about France? They have what we have, we have alotta stuff they have but little thi