
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Log

Production log    Date Activities Further Actions 5/11/2020 Planning ideas Created a range of ideas and come to a conclusion with one of them 12/11/2020 Script Completed script and added some improvements 17/11/2020 Storyboard Created Storyboard 5/12/2020 Location recces Completed location recces 13/1/2021 Final budget Discussed the final budget 15/1/2021 Permissions Wrote to the owners of the places we need 18/1/2021 Risk assessment Created risk assessment 23/1/2021 Cast and crew Decided cast and crew 28/1/2021 Release forms Created and handed out the release forms 2/2/2021 Call sheets Created and handed out the call sheets  


Here I have created a storyboard, the storyboard will help me create a visual representation of the film's narrative. This will help me visualise what the final product might look like and enable me to ensure continuity between them. 

Audit of sound needed

Here I have created an audit of sound needed using Microsoft excel to compile all of the diegetic and non-diegetic sound effects in one place. This will help the crew capture the audio required if needs be without missing any while completing it efficiently.    

Planning Ideas

Here I have compiled all of my film ideas using a sheet template to help me organise and compare the different aspects of my ideas. This will help me decide which one to use for the final film idea. 

Copyright Restrictions

Music copyright is a law that protects the creators of music from the unfair taking of their work. It also makes it possible for songwriters to make money off of their work.  Music falls under the copyright, designs and patents act of 1988 in UK law. It says that copyright is a property right and can be assigned to music, literary, artistic including films and broadcasts. This means that the copyright owner has exclusive rights to their work. The owner has the option to sell their work by selling (renting) copies to the public.  The industry is regulated by several bodies, Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) - They make sure the collection of royalties for a song or album is being paid to the artist by overseeing the sales made.  Performing Rights Society (PRS)  - They licence the use of joined members music and lyrics to radio and tv or when they played on the internet and CDs. Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) - They licence the use of recorded music when it is played

Contingency plan

I have created this contingency plan using Microsoft power point this will enable the crew to create quick solutions to problems they may face in the field.