
Showing posts from December, 2020

Pitch Draft

I have created a draft for my pitch to show my potential investors, the pitch will self the film to them and give them a basic understanding of the narrative, the meaning behind it and who the film is being targeted towards. It will also tell them why the film is unique and the potential benefits and limitations. Pitch Draft Noah, a boy who lives in a world that is seemingly against him, is looking for a purpose while leading an uninteresting, monotonous life and is just about to give up when he discovers he is the only person that can stop a worldwide catastrophe. My film will show the melancholy reality of a boy’s life with no opportunities, bringing light to the unseen world of lonely people. The target audience of the film is young people in the 12 – 25 category, with a young actor that is more relatable to a younger audience and world-wide and on streaming services (eg Netflix). The film will open in a pub environment after a compilation of normal boring looking scenes of everyday

The line

The line Above the line costs  Above the line costs are the amount of money set out for the actors, directors, and story writers or anyone that has a creative influence within the film.  Below the line costs  Below the line costs are the amount of money set out for the crew, the jobs that have little creative influence within the film, eg sound operators or postproduction sound.  My above the line costs would. 

Finance Model Pros and Cons

Finance Model Pros and Cons  Bank Loan Pros The interest of a bank loan is tax-deductible  so the company can claim money back from the government. They also use very low fixed interest rates meaning the money you pay back is very close to the amount you borrowed. The money you borrowed does not have limited things you can spend it on.  Cons There is lots of paperwork involved, a long wait time and you need a strong credit score to be credible. You all so need to offer some collateral just in case you can't pay. You have to pay the money back. The financier benefits interest. There is a risk that the  financier won't lend you the funds  Crowd Funding Pros You can market your idea and film at the same time as raising money, using word of mouth you get money to fund your film and an audience to watch it. You don't have to deal with companies or studios changing your idea to suit them.  C ons The campaign is not always a success and you may not get your target goal, there is l