
Showing posts from November, 2020

Action Plan

I have created a Gant chart so I can manage my time efficiently so the different processes stay on schedule, this means that we can spend less budget on reshoots, we can plan for the different tasks better and we don't disappoint because the film has missed the deadline. 

One mile away

I have researched the pre-production methods and information for one mile away to further my own pre-production methods when I make the film extract.


I have researched the pre-production methods and information for Monsters to further my own pre-production methods when I make the film extract.

world war z

I have researched the pre-production methods and information for World War Z to further my own pre-production methods when I make the film extract.

Pre production report learning aim A

UNIT 4 -  Pre Production Portfolio Report   Pre-production is arguably one of the most important aspects of film production, it is a solid foundation a film is built upon. The better the stronger the foundation, the bigger the house, it works the same way for filmmaking. Pre-production is the process of planning the elements involved in a film, when the film content starts being produced, pre-production ends. The county council have asked me to produce a report on the essential pre-production work that takes place as part of a creative digital media production. The council intend to send this report to community media organisations that receive funding for future projects. I will be evaluating the pre-production requirements, procedures and documentation procedures and documentation and how they relate to digital media products like 'One Mile Away'. Successful pre-production can have a massively positive impact on the final result of a film. This is because the production is mu